Homepage | UMC YoungPeople
Connecting young people and their adult leaders to God, the church, and the world
Our first Crash Courses in Youth Ministry teaching series launches this fall! Click to learn more and pre-register today!
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"Leaders lead people. Visions lead leaders. As we were taught the importance of having specific visions for our own contexts as church leaders, we are reminded of what our contexts need, be it as students or young professionals."

Young people have a way of seeing endless possibilities and needs in their communities. Funds like these have global impacts in health, spiritual formation, and outreach.

Grants for Ministries With Young People

Young People’s Min­istries offers these grants through our pro­gram bud­get because we believe that dynam­ic, cre­ative indi­vid­u­als and groups some­times need resources to help a min­istry become real­i­ty. These grants are meant to sup­port cre­ative and inno­v­a­tive approach­es to min­istry for, with, and by young peo­ple. These appli­ca­tions are often cho­sen for their abil­i­ty to cre­ate sys­tems and mod­els, which cre­ate mean­ing­ful min­istry and dis­ci­ple­ship…
Learn more about who can apply for GMYP grants and award policies

Today’s disciples need to find those who are vulnerable, voiceless, poor, and despised and immerse themselves in service. – Everyday Disciples

Camp Highroad

Camp High­road is a year round retreat facil­i­ty offer­ing lodges, cab­ins and camp­ing sites to many church­es, Girls and Boys scouts and schools. In the sum­mer we run our own sum­mer camp and also offer…
  • Food Provided
  • All Ages / Intergenerational
  • Middleburg, Virginia
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Looking Back at YOUTH 2023!


YOUTH 2023: Daily Recap Videos

Our on-site video team cap­tured and edit­ed togeth­er a recap of each full day of YOUTH 2023: July 25, 26, and 27. Enjoy! Day One: Day Two: Day Three:


YOUTH 2023: Post-Event Curriculum

Thank you for com­ing to YOUTH 2023! This post-event cur­ricu­lum is offered as a way for your group to con­tin­ue to process what was heard and stay engaged in ongo­ing faith for­ma­tion with you! A more ful­ly brand­ed and com­plete ver­sion of this cur­ricu­lum, along with record­ings of the talks…


YOUTH 2023: Preparing to be BOLD

We are excit­ed to have you join YOUTH 2023 in Day­tona Beach, Flori­da! While togeth­er on the beach, we will have an oppor­tu­ni­ty to con­sid­er what it means to be BOLD: BEING OUR­SELVES & LIV­ING DIFFERENT! This resource includes four ses­sions cre­at­ed by the YOUTH 2023 Design Team and Young…