15 Tips on Applying for Grants and Writing your… | UMC YoungPeople
Connecting young people and their adult leaders to God, the church, and the world
June 2015

15 Tips on Applying for Grants and Writing your Proposal

By Kelsey Tinker Hannum

15 Tips on Applying for Grants and Writing your Proposal

  1. Always, always, always read the guidelines before you begin the application process
  2. Is your project “youth or young adult led?” Does it benefit young people?
  3. This application is supposed to be written, and the program designed and implemented primarily by young people
  4. Make note of the application due date and get it in as soon as possible
  5. Allow time for mailing the application– your application MUST arrive or be postmarked before the due date
  6. Make sure you sell your program, not the organization
  7. Proofread the document
  8. Double check websites and other references listed on your application
  9. Avoid technical language – The application is reviewed by the Project Review Committee (primarily youth and young adults from around the world)
  10. Provide a complete list of other funding sources you have received or that are pending
  11. Make a checklist of the guidelines that you can check off once completed
  12. Do not submit more than we ask- it will NOT give you an advantage
  13. Be specific when writing the budget. This gives us a better idea of how the money will be used
  14. Ask yourself these questions when writing: “Why should we give you money instead of another organization in your field?” “What makes your project unique?”
  15. Tell your friends to apply and remember this quote: “If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again.” – Thomas H. Palmer