9 Prayers to Help Teens, Today | UMC YoungPeople
Connecting young people and their adult leaders to God, the church, and the world
August 2024

9 Prayers to Help Teens, Today

By Jeremy Steele

Prayer is an important spiritual practice for teens, but it can feel intimidating when students feel that they have to come up with something to say off the top of their heads when praying aloud. These prayers are great to have as part of youth worship or to post to social media accounts to help students find the words to express what’s going on in their lives.

Beginning of the School Year:

We’ve done this before, God. We’ve started the school year together, and sometimes we’ve finished it together, although sometimes, I feel like I leave you behind about halfway through. At the beginning of this new year, give me eyes to see the potential—all the opportunities ahead of me to grow, learn, and minister to the people in my school. As I begin, I ask that you give me awareness of your presence and awareness that I’m a physical expression of your presence everywhere I am in my school. Can you help me to see all the people there as your precious creations? Can you show me how I might be an agent of your grace and peace with friends, “enemies,” teachers, administration, coaches, janitors, and aids? Will you fill me with your light so my school becomes a more loving, peace-filled place because I am in it? And when times get tough, please surround me with people who speak words of truth, life, and godly support. Even when I fail and sin against you, use your Holy Spirit to make me aware of my sin. Give me the courage to ask for forgiveness and leave my sinful ways behind so that this year, I end where I am beginning: with you. Amen.


How long, oh Lord, will this homework last? How long will I be stuck in a moment between learning and knowing? How long must I endure this boring, long work? Here’s what I need. I ask you to transform this work from mind-numbing and boring to interesting and useful. Help me to find you in between the equations and definitions. And please make the time I spend on this task feel that it’s passing quicker than it does. Amen.

Group Project:

My grade is in someone else’s hands. Actually, it’s in the hands of more than one person. Though I’d like to think it’s safe in their hands, I know it’s not. I know that far too often, someone has dropped the ball on me in one of these things. When that hasn’t happened, someone else has had a life issue that caused them to do a poor job or nothing at all. I know I’ve been the problem before too. So, forgive me for when I have dropped the ball in the past, give me the grace to not drop it this time, and give me the miracle of a successful group project. Amen.

Being Tempted Around Friends:

Why, O God, do I care so much about what other people think of me? Why is it that when I am around certain people at the wrong time, I end up completely walking away from what I know is right? Because that’s the problem. I know what is right, and I know what is wrong. When I really think about it, when I pray about it, I truly want to do what is right. I want to do what you want me to do. Why, then, do I constantly find myself doing what is wrong? Especially when I’m with these friends? I know my parents would tell me to ditch them because they aren’t a good influence, but you and I both know that is way harder than it sounds. Can we start with me? Can you help me out? Will you fill me with your Spirit and give me strength to stand up under the temptation? And in the situations where it seems like it’s too strong, will you show me a way out of the situation? Then, and this is the important part, give me the courage to take the way out you offer me? And, if I cannot follow you with these friends, help me find a new group of friends who will pressure me in a good way: to do the right things. Amen.

Losing a Pet:

You created animals, and you put a special place in our hearts for them when you asked us to care for them. I know that because my heart is hurting now. This pet that you gave me was more than a toy. My pet was more than a diversion. My pet was how I was caring for the world, and it was mysteriously also caring for me. God, in my sadness, remind me of all the good times and funny moments. Help me heal from this sadness and surround me with people who understand and can put an arm around me when I need it. Because I need it. I miss my pet. Amen.


Why do I get this way? Why, O God, do I allow myself to fall into this pit and get covered over in stress? But that’s where I am. I’m stressed out right now, and I need help. I have tried the things I try, but I still haven’t found a way out from under the weight of this stress. Since stress ultimately comes from not feeling in control, will you show me something I can control? Will you show me a decision I can make, and then another? Can you help me find the rungs of the ladder to climb out of this pit of stress so that I can have a clear enough mind to feel like I can follow you? Amen.

Cleaning a Room:

God of the universe, when I look at all that you made, I can see that when you create, you do so with organization and order. Because you tilted the earth precisely, we have seasons and tides. The more I learn about the human body, the more amazed I am at how detailed you are. As I organize and bring this room back into order, help me think about your creation. Help cleaning this room become an act of worship for me. Help me to see my picking up laundry and vacuuming as a way to make my environment a reflection of who you are. Amen.


Lord Jesus, my Provider, thank you for the food I have to eat. I thank you for creating a world that produces enough for all its inhabitants to have enough, even if we have not yet figured out how to work together to make that happen. That brings me to my next thought: I must ask for your forgiveness. Forgive me for the ways in which I participate in a system that causes people to die of hunger while food rots away in landfills. Forgive me for the times I am ungrateful for the food that is in front of me. As I consume a physical representation of your provision, give me the grace to see how the food connects me to everything and everyone. Let me see eating as a spiritual endeavor. Allow me to feel your faithfulness as I eat the food that sustains my body. Amen.

After the Breakup:

It hurts. Not long ago I was so glad to experience the warmth of love and the passion of romance. Not today. Today I would rather have none. Why do you allow us to hurt each other this way? Why did you let it happen to me? Yet, through the pain I feel, I also long for the feeling that brought it to me. I long for romance and companionship. I long for a soulmate. God, in your mercy, hear my prayer and give me wisdom someday to select the right person to share life with and the patience to wait until I find that person. Amen.

Have other prayers you’d lift up and share for others to consider using in their ministry? Share them on our Facebook page as we go back to school!

When he's not playing with his four children with his wonderful wife, Jeremy is the associate pastor at Los Altos UMC in Los Altos, CA. Jeremy has spent over twenty years working in youth and children's ministry and continues to train children and youth workers as well as writing and speaking extensively in that field. His most recent book is the "All the Best Questions." You can find a list of all his books, articles, and resources for churches at JeremyWords.com.