One Single Donut
This activity uses a single donuts the starting point to explore the issues of hunger. Prepare the room with a single donut on a plate in the middle of a table.
ONE donut of regular size
• Hungry? Have you ever been so hungry that you thought you were starving?
• How many people do you think one donut can feed?
• What if this is really all we had to eat for today? How would you share this one donut?
Pass donut around the group – have everyone take a piece from the donut to eat.
• How does it feel to have to share one donut?
(10 min) Ice Breaker Connector:
• Have you ever thought about what it would be like to not know where your next meal would come from?
• Have you ever come in contact with a homeless person? What did you think?
• If you could only eat one thing for the rest of your life or had one last meal but it could be anything you wanted – what would you choose? Why?