Opposite Day Ice Breaker | UMC YoungPeople
Connecting young people and their adult leaders to God, the church, and the world
March 2019

Opposite Day Ice Breaker

By Sharon Cook

Get your group sharing their thoughts on everything from school dances to sunburn using this throwback idea from elementary school.

Tell your group that for the next few minutes, it’s “opposite day.” This will be a fun way to learn about how we don’t really feel about certain topics. Going around the circle, give each person a topic. They should react by telling you things that are exactly the opposite of what they think. If the members of your group don’t really know each other’s names, have each one introduce themself.

  • school dances
  • Snapchat
  • bluegrass music
  • gym class
  • 2-week-old marshmallow peeps
  • hamsters
  • “just talking”
  • dry erase markers
  • clowns
  • sunburn
  • the attic
After 10 years of serving as pastor in local churches, Sharon now works on Conference Staff in Wisconsin. Her primary areas are camps, young people, and Safe Sanctuaries.