Planting and Watering a Church
Paul planted a church in Corinth, and in 1 Corinthians 3:1-9 he talks about how though it was his work at the beginning, others came behind him and watered that plant. This activity will help students think about this scripture from the inside.
Put the youth in teams of 2-4. Together they will take on the roles of planting and watering their own church. Tell the youth that in each group one/two of them are going to be church planters. The planters determine where they plant the church (city, suburbs, rural, etc…), how they will meet people and build up the church. Tell the planters they have five years to plant a church community and determine what it will look like.
The other one to two people in the group will be replacing the planter in five years and they will be the waterers. How will they continue to help the church and the people grow? What will they do differently? What plan of growth will they have to help the church deepen its faith?
Take a moment to read 1 Corinthians 3:1-9. Give students an opportunity to share how their imaginative exercise helps them understand the scripture.