Trusting, Fallling, and Mark 6 | UMC YoungPeople
Connecting young people and their adult leaders to God, the church, and the world
July 2018

Trusting, Fallling, and Mark 6

By Betsy Marvin

The disciples had to trust in God to provide for their needs and in each other as they went out to share the love of Jesus. Just as we needed to trust those around us to catch us when we fall. Using this classing team building game, students can begin to explore the trust the disciples needed to have in each other and Jesus.

The Trust Fall:

  • Have one student stand on chair or table. You can blind fold them if you desire.
  • Have the rest of the group line up two by two, facing each other.
  • The group then links arms with the person across from them creating a “bed” for the falling student to land in.
  • On the count of three: the student on the chair/table, with arms crossed in front of their body, keeping their body straight, the student will fall back into the arms of the team.

Repeat with as many students as are willing.

Discuss Game:

  • What did it feel like to fall? Was it hard to trust your classmates? Why or why not?
  • What did it feel like to catch? Were you nervous about being able to catch them? Why or why not?
  • How did you have to trust – both the fall and catch participant?
  • How does this help us understand Mark 6:6-13.

Betsy has worked with students for over 26 years and has served at Cornerstone Church in Caledonia, MI for nineteen of those years. Currently, Betsy is the Director of Family Ministry while still holding the high school ministry hat. Betsy also teaches women’s ministry at Grace Bible College as an adjunct professor. Betsy has been married for 29 years with a son in college and daughter in high school. In her free time, she enjoys reading, laughing with her family, and date nights!