What are your predictions
The scripture for the first Sunday in advent (Luke 21:25-36) is full of prophecy and predictions about the future. Those kinds of predictions and the longing they express are at the heart of advent. This losing for renewal and change are what the people, and all of creation, were feeling in the first century awaiting the arrival of Jesus. This activity will allow students to engage their imaginations in the task pf exploring this powerful passage. This is a companion piece to the complete, free youth advent material called “Prepare the way” available from Discipleship Ministries as part of our ongoing effort to provide free youth resources for your church. You can find a link to the full curriculum at our Worship Lessons for Youth page.
Tell the students to imagine you had to offer some predictions for the future.
Split students into groups of 2 or 3 students and give each a sheet of paper and a pen/pencil.
Say: You have 10 minutes to make several predictions for the world in three categories: 5 years from now, 20 years from now, 100 years from now.
After all students have had time to write down predictions ask them to share theirs briefly with the group. For fun, consider having the group vote on the most likely predictions.
After all have shared ask one final question – What is the difference between your predictions and those predictions/prophecies God offers in Scripture?